Occupational Therapy:

We work to understand the activities that are meaningful and important to enabled children-self care and incorporate therapeutic exercises and activities geared towards them.

Physical Therapy:

This ensures better lung capacity and increased muscle strength, improves physical and cognitive health, improved mental health and academic achievement and also enhanced well-being among others.

Inclusive Education:

Advocate equitable education and lifelong learning for children with multiple or severe disabilities  . 


Ensure protection of children with multiple or severe disabilities and safeguarding their wellbeing in the community..


Our programs include:

  1. We offer physical and occupational therapies to improve the well-being of these children.
  2. We provide appliances and special aids for better assisted living.
  3. We facilitate needs assessment for onward registration in schools and government support program.
  4. We lobby for acceptance of these children to schools.
  5. We offer support forums for parents of these children.

What we are proud of

What we are proud of

We have a total of 117 children registered in our centers. 

  • Githagara, Murang’a: 22 children. 
  • Thika, Kiambu: 79 children.  
  • Matasia, Ngong, Kajiado: 16 children.   

We have 12 children who came to our centers not walking and now are walking and some have graduated to schools 

  • 2 admitted to the school for the hearing impaired
  • 3 integrated to regular schools. 

Assistive aids given 111 assorted items:  

  • 28 special seats, 
  • 11 standing aids, 
  • 39 AFOs .